Possums, formally known as Opossums, are the most common marsupial mammals in North America. Due to their ability to adjust their diets, breed rapidly and adapt to diverse environments, you’ve likely encountered at least one in your lifetime. They are best known for their unique and convincing ability to play dead, commonly referred to as “Playing Possum.”
You will likely first notice an Opossum occupation of your home by the smell. They emit a pungent odor, and their urine and feces are also particularly fragrant. Possums are opportunistic nesters, rarely building anything of their own, which makes human-made structures especially appealing to them. Mother Opossums give birth to very large litters (as many as 13 babies can survive), so your single Possum problem can rapidly multiply. Consider the following points, and call a professional for assistance as soon as the problem is identified: